Friday 22 September 2017


So at the end of 2016 I created this beer just in time for Xmas. It was my first home brew and I went with an American IPA.

I choose Bearded Axe Brew as the name (obviously to match the bar). I choose Pilot's Pissup as the beer name for a few reasons. 1. a 'pilot' is a first episode of a TV show, the tester episode, this was a 1st/tester beer. I wanted the word 'piss' in the title as that's how I expected my first attempt to taste. Luckily it worked out good and had positive reviews from family & friends.

It was fun creating this beer, but a lot of work (mainly when bottling). I plan to create more in the future, maybe 1-2 a year.

I have a Instagram account set up for this: @beardedaxebrew which has more photos and videos.

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